Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Parenting Breakthrough

Spencer has this lovely little habit of running out into the street EVERY time we go out to the car. It scares me to death that he is going to get hit by a car, as they often come zipping down our street without really paying attention. We have been working for weeks on getting him to understand how dangerous running in the street can be. We have tried time-outs, spanking, talking to him before we even open the door...nothing seemed to work. He understands what the rule is, no running in the street only on the sidewalk or the grass. He would repeat it to me before we go outside, but then get that glint in his eye and be off like a rocket while I tried to lock the door. Our neighbors must think it humorous to watch a very pregnant me try to chase my very speedy little boy all the way down the street. Yesterday, we ran some of our normal errands and we went over the rule before leaving the house and HE OBEYED. Not once did I have to chase after him. He even dropped his ball and it rolled into the street. I thought, "that's it, the end of our little no street streak", but he ran to the edge of the drive and watched it roll away and waited for me to come hold his hand and cross the street to get it. I am so proud of him! He is learning to make good choices and listen to Mom. Take that terrible twos.
I am the luckiest mom. I have such a terrific little person to spend my days with. I was wishing I had a full time video camera trained on him. He makes me laugh all the time. He loves to read, can identify some of his colors and letters, loves to Facetime and play on the iPad, helps with chores, and thinks naps are for babies (much to Mom's dismay). He still carries around "silkie" and "bo-bo" (his bear), but we can usually talk him into leaving them at home when we go places now. He thinks that the moon is one of his best friends. He tells it "night-night" and points it out anytime there is even a slight crescent shape. The handicap parking spots...ever notice that the wheel of the chair is a crescent shape...neither had I, but Spencer made sure to let me know that there was a moon shape on the ground. He is going to be an awesome big brother. It is weird to think that two years ago he was just a tiny baby. If only I could make time slow down.