Our Family

Our Family

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Davis Reunion

Memorial Day Weekend AKA the Sam and Marva Davis Family Reunion

A few weeks after Katie was born I got THE WORST COLD EVER. Not even joking, I wanted to crawls under a rock and just pass out for a few days. Nursing prevented me from taking anything to really make that possible (NyQuil, where art thou?). Katie, unfortunately, came down with it too which meant even less sleep. I felt so bad for her. Nathan was still in school up to this point and still had his cold from the beginning of the month (it is the cold that NEVER ends) and Spencer decided several months before that naps were just not for him. I really look forward to the reunion, but this year I was not able to visit much because I was holed up in our motel room trying to get better and not pass it on. The good thing is that with so much family around I was able to get more sleep and somewhat kick it, maybe that is stretching it, I was able to breathe through my nose (yes, that was my measure of wellness) somewhat by the end of the weekend. Thanks to all who helped wrangle my cute 2 year old.
Spencer and the ladybug
Spencer loves the temple, so on the way home we stopped to eat lunch at the St. George temple. We talked about how the temple is Jesus's house. The next thing I know Spencer is running up the steps and pounding on the door yelling"Jesus!, Jesus!" I should have seen that coming. I love that kid.

Katherine Elizabeth

I did not realize it had been so long since I had updated. So with no further ado, I introduce to our blog...Katherine Elizabeth. She is just over two months old now and we aren't sure where the time has gone.

7 lbs and 4 oz. of pure baby perfection .
 What we look sleep deprived in this picture? It is not even close to how we felt. Nathan does not look it, but he was deathly ill. I felt like we should have had side by side hospital beds.
 This is the same outfit I wore home from the hospital. Tradition, Tradition!
Spencer LOVES being a big brother. He walked right into the hospital room up to Katie and put his arms out to hold her. It was adorable! He still asks all the tie to "Hold him?" We are working on his pronouns. He is a good helper to fetch diapers and other items. He thinks her "Lello (yellow) poops" are about the funniest thing ever. (Why do all little boys think poop is so funny?) The first few mornings at home the first thing he would ask in the morning was where Katie was. 
Katie is good to put up with a bit of smothering by her brother and loves it when he talks to her. She will talk right back and gives him big smiles.
She has the funniest scowl. She likes to tease Grandma with it (both of them, in fact). She loves to look at herself in the mirror and being naked. If she is sad, I know I can put her in front of the mirror, take off her diaper, or turn on a ceiling fan for her to watch and the world is right again.

Her smile comes readily and lights up her whose face. She has the most kissable cheeks and intense baby chubb.

She has the sweetest little voice. I have a hard tie putting her to bed because she "talks" the most right before bedtime. She has slept 6 hours on average most nights since she was a few weeks old. She rarely cries. I usually wake up to her smacking on her fist. That girl is a natural thumb sucker.

I love her chin...both of them. I love how good-natured and patient she is. She loves her little bounce chair and figured out right off that if you kick the birds on it will move. I have one smart little cookie.

Basically, I am just the luckiest mom in the world to have two beautiful, healthy children.