Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Nathan and I have officially enjoyed one year together as of today. I love him and am looking forward to spending eternity with him. To celebrate yesterday we went to the temple and did a session and sealing together to remember those wonderful covenant and promises of one year ago. Today we celebrated mothers day with both of our wonderful mothers and loved it. I know it doesn't sound like much of a celebration but for us it was perfect.

Here's a few pictures of what we have been up to lately.

We made delicious food, including almost a gallon of strawberry jam.

We went Hiking in Red Rock.

Nathan survived a weekend alone while Megan and I went off to California for our ANNUAL SPRING BREAK ROADTRIP.

We helped Linda with her Victorian picture project for her class.

In the process of doing my hair for this, I looked like the Cowardly Lion. Like I'm straight out of The Wizard of Oz.

We went for Sunday afternoon walks in our complex.

We made cards for our Grandmas and mothers.

I went on the Railroad tunnels hike out at the Dam to get ready for camp.

We love life together!


  1. Congratulations on the 1 year!! I also love the costumes and the Victorian pictures.

  2. Hooray for one year! It seems like just yesterday I was in Vegas for your reception. It looks like you guys are having fun together and that is just what marriage should be :) You both looked fantastic in the Victorian pictures, Linda did a great job!
