Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Count Your Many Blessings

I wanted to do one thing a day that I was grateful for, but let's face it. I am just not on the computer enough and usually when I think of it Nathan is doing homework on the computer. So to make up, here is one for each day of November in no particular order. And by no means is this a comprehensive list. I have so much to be grateful for. Heavenly Father has been so kind to us.
1. Nathan- He is a wonderful husband. I couldn't have chosen better for myself. I guess Heavenly Father knows me a little better than I know myself. Thanks for waiting for me to catch a clue, honey.
2. Our Little One- We are so excited for April! I am more grateful because I have not been sick. Thanks Baby!

3. Our Home- We were able to find just the right place to raise our family and meet our needs.
4. The Temple- We have been blessed to be able to go together once a week. I know we will not always be able to when the baby comes, but it has been a true gift and brought the peace of the spirit into our lives.

5. The Holy Ghost- I love being able to feel the sweet promptings and peace of the spirit and know that I can have this with me as long as I do my part.
6. The restored Gospel of Jesus Christ- I feel so blessed to have the knowledge that I do and to have had it since I was a little girl. Sweet is the peace the gospel brings!
7. Families- I love the sealing powers that bind us together. I am so blessed with two amazing families. They are so loving and supportive.
8. Education- Nathan and I have been able to both get our degrees (while Nathan will have his in a few weeks) without any debt. Nathan was also able to get into a Masters Program that will be completely paid for. That is a huge blessing.

9. Employment- First off, it was the thing that brought us together and in this economy we know how lucky we are to be able to provide for our needs and for Nathan to have flexible hours to finish his schooling.
10. Neighbors- We are blessed to have wonderful friends in our community that keep an eye out for us and are good to share goodies. I love being part of a caring community. Our next door neighbors are especially wonderful and we are grateful to have good people close by.
11. My best friend- Megan made all the difference in making those tough years after high school a blast! She is more of a sister than a friend and I don't know what I would do without her. While preparing a lesson for young women about associations I realized how blessed I am to have her. No one quite understands me like she does and I know I can call on her anytime. We have so much fun together.
12. Living prophets- Every time I review the conference Ensign I am amazed at the inspired messages that are found in abundance. We have the truth and are able to hear from our leaders all the time and receive their inspired counsel and direction.

13. The Scriptures- It is such a miracle how accessible they are considering that not many years ago in the scheme of things there was maybe one set of scriptures per family. I can mark in them to my hearts content and then when there is no more room for my scribbles get a new set and start over.
14. Technology- We are able to do so much that just a few years ago was only a dream. I especially love digital cameras and cell phones that allow us to document our family history and keep in touch with family and friends.
15. Transportation- We have been really lucky to have two cars that are both fully paid for, until recently when my car was hit and has not been drivable. I am grateful it was not our only car, that no one was hurt, that we have insurance, and that my family has been able to help out and give me rides to work.
16. Work Ethic- the thanks for this goes completely to my parents. So many people do not know how to work and it is hard to learn when you are older. Mom and Dad gave us plenty of opportunities to learn this principle and as an adult I finally appreciate it.
17. Music- It has a was of touching my spirit and lifting my soul. I am thankful for good music and for musical ability. Thank you Mom for being patient and teaching me to play the piano. Thank you Mrs. B. and chaparral choir for the wonderful opportunities I has to be part of something beautiful during high school. I especially loves the Candlelight Carol at Disneyland each Christmas. I was so lucky to be a part of that.

18. Nature- We live in a beautiful world that provides beauty and opportunities for recreation. I love the outdoors and the amazing vistas of this earth.
19. Food- It brings me joy. I am lucky to have never gone hungry and to have been surrounded by people skilled in the culinary arts. I am glad I have been taught how to cook and don't have to depend on processed foods to feed my family.
20. Ward- Our ward is different, but will provide us opportunities to learn and grow and serve. I am especially grateful for those that serve in our ward leadership. I appreciate their sacrifice and commitment.
21. Young Womens- I am thankful for the opportunity I have to serve and for the influence that this organization has had in my life. I learned so much from Presonal Progress and from all of the dedicated leaders I have had and worked with. I especially love Girls Camp and am thankful for how many times I have been able to go.

22. Health- I am thankful for my physical body and for the guidelines that Heavenly Father has given to take care of it. I have a strong immune system and rarely have to struggle with sickness.
23. Wise spending habits- This is another skill I have to thank my parents for and another one that is hard to learn as an adult. Mom is a master bargain shopper and Dad has always been wise with his finances. They taught me from a young age how to save and be financially independent. As a result it comes easily to me and I don't feel the need to buy things that are not needs or that we cannot afford.
24. Light- both the spiritual and literal kind. The home we bought did not have many lights installed and it drives me crazy to have a dimly lit room. I love the warm, cozy glow of a well lit room. I am thankful for a smart husband who installed lights for me.
25. Literature- I especially loved this as a child and spent countless hours reading. It is still a favorite activity for Nathan and I to cuddle up with a good book. I am grateful for all we can learn and for the escape into the realm of imagination they provide.

26. Laughter- It makes each day so much better and really is the best medicine. I have a husband who is great at getting a good laugh out of me and pretty much everyone else he is around. I am grateful to know so many witty people.
27. Traditions- As I get older, I appreciate these more and more. I love the traditions that my parents started for us when we were kids. It has been fun for Nathan and I to decide what traditions we want to carry on in our family and what new ones we would like to start.
28. Memories- Especially those shared by relatives. I love being able to hear Grandma's stories or think back on times that we had together as a family. I am grateful for those that keep journals and are good to bring out the camera at events. Reminiscing can bring so much joy.
29. Holidays- I am grateful that there are ties that are set aside to remember events or people or jut to be together. Especially the Christmas season, the whole wold seems to be a bit brighter and cheerier.

30. My Elder Brother- I am grateful that he came to the earth as a babe and for his atonement that "saved a wretch like me".He alone knows all our troubles and hardship and he truly is the Prince of Peace. I am grateful for this season that reminds us all of his life and death.


  1. Julie! I didn't know you were pregnant!!! Hooray! What a fun time in your life! And you're not even sick--hallelujah!

    Love you!

  2. Awesome things to be grateful for and congratulations on your future little one!

  3. Woohoo for #2! The others were nice but lets be honest that one is the best... no offense Nathan or Megan. Congrats and I look forward to hearing more about it on the blog!
